
Residential Services Offered
Carpet - Tile Cleaning
Commercial Services Offered
Carpet - Tile Cleaning

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Business since: 0
(2025 years)


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Reviews (9)

My Reviews
  • Ray
    25 Oct, 2024 Don’t trust this business it is a complete and utter scam !!!! Tries to promote as having whatever years of experience but from my experience it looks like he picked up a carpet wetting device at Walmart and rips people off of their money. SPARKLING CLEAN where ?? Asked for a refund and “sent it to wrong person”. I’ve never been in contact with such a conniving scammer in my life. Whatever you do, DONT TRUST THIS GUY !!!!! He doesn’t even have a name for his business !!!!
  • reese
    03 Oct, 2024 Do not use this company! Complete SCAM!
  • Rebecca
    03 Oct, 2024 This company left flyers all over my apartment complex. He taped the flyers to the stair railings and the paint came off. I called him and as soon as I introduced myself, he hung up on me and blocked my number. I called back from another number and he did the same thing. Looking at the other reviews, it looks like this is something he does regularly. If this is how he handles business, I definitely wouldn't recommend using him.
  • Willie
    04 Jul, 2024 Reading the reviews from 2021…looks like the guy is a douchebag who just leave his crappy ads at complex. Glad I got a picture and phone number to have him escorted off my property if I see him :)
  • Austin
    01 May, 2021 Don’t appreciate the flyers and litter all over the apartment building.
  • Nikki
    10 Feb, 2021 This man went all through my complex obnoxiously hanging his flyers in our building. It peeled the paint on my door the walls and rails. Yes, he hung like 13 of them. There’s a big sign by my door saying no flyers or solicitors. If that’s how he treats the outside of our properties, just imagine what he’ll do inside your home.
  • Kyle
    10 Feb, 2021 Rey taped notices everywhere which strips the paint of the building. When I tried to call and politely ask him to stop, he blocked me on all numbers. I would not recommend.
  • Paul
    06 Feb, 2021 Don’t hire this clown. Shows up with a floor buffer which he says will help with the stains and eventually you realize he does not even have a carpet cleaner. Drives the white van to perpetuate his scam. I had to hire someone else to actually clean my carpet. If you express your displeasure, he blocks you.
  • Dustin
    18 Jan, 2021 Booked with Ray to have my apartment carpets cleaned. 30 minutes after he is supposed to be there I call and he sends me to VM (which is full). I text and a day later he still hadn’t had the defend to text back. Run away! He’s not worth it. Fortunately the company I got to replace him was 30% cheaper so don’t waste your time with this dude.

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