(SHS) Superior Handyman Services

Superior, WI
Residential Services Offered
Air Duct - Dryer vent cleaning Appliance Architect - Engineer Carpentry - Finish Carpet - Tile Cleaning Doors - Windows Drywall Electrical Electronics Fence - Gate Fire Protection Handyman Solar Tree Services Window Cleaning
Commercial Services Offered
Auto Services Offered
Brakes Mechanic
Moving Services Offered
Assemble/ disassemble Wall Mount / Dismount
Servicing Areas
Superior WI Duluth MI
KC is the name, Handyman is my game! I am a Jack of 1000 trades, but a Master Problem solver. I do Small, Medium and large projects within my bounds. I'm based in Superior Mi and look forward to working on projects with you.
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Business Credentials

Business since: 2018
(6 years)


No deals at this moment.


  • Exercise equipment assemble
  • Assembly of TV stand with electric fire place
  • Assembly of Foosball table
  • Cable management/ concealment
  • Child gate installation
  • TV Wall Mounting
  • Light fixture installation
  • TV Wall Mounting
  • Mirror Mounting
  • Assembly of fire place.
  • Wall Mounting
  • Wall mounting
  • Bed frame installation around exciting articulating bed
  • Bunk bed assembly
  • Assembly of TV stand with electric fire place

Reviews (1)

My Reviews
  • Jason Krajewski
    17 Jan, 2023 Tremendous help. Will definitely be using for more tasks

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