Simply Auto

Mahopac, NY
Auto Services Offered
AC Repair Audio - Video Tech Brakes Headlight Restoration Mechanic
We are a mobile mechanic , meaning we come out to you . Job , house , grocery store , even broken down on the side of the road !
We complete all services you need done to your vehicle .
We offer fleet prices as well
Brakes ( pads and rotors) $100 per axel excluding parts
Oil changes
Reg. 29.99
High miles 39.99
Sync 59.99
Detailed inspection is $30
Inspections looks over the engine and see if you need any services flushed and make sure everything is in good working and safe conditions and ready to pass inspection
We will even drive your vehicle to get inspected if you can’t make it there !
And we service much more !
All vehicles welcome
We do not service Mercedes at the time very sorry !
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Business Credentials

Business since: 2017
(8 years)


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